
Welcome to Mr. Bradley's 3rd Grade Class.
I hope everyone is safe and doing well. DISTANT LEARNING INSTRUCTIONS: All distant learners will log into their computers. Go to the Roy Waldron Elementary school web page. Move the mouse over "Students" at the top of the page. Click on "Clever". Click on "Clever" "Clever Badge log in" use the QR Code badge that I provided in the bag with their books. Just hold the badge up to the camera and it will log them in. Your child will scroll down and click on "Kiddom Classroom" There they will find all of their classes. They will click on the class they want to go in, (ie... Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies.) If they have any work that needs to be completed it will show up in the "Time Line" They will just click on the assignment and follow the instructions to do the work. I have attached a schedule that kids can follow from home if you would like to use it, this our schedule here at school as well. The important classes to check for work will be ELA (Language Arts), Math, Science, and Social Studies. They must click on their Related arts class to check for work as well. We know that this is going to take awhile to get used to and that there will be some bumps along the road. We are here to work with you and figure this out together. If you need any help or have questions please use Class Dojo to contact me. Thank you!
Mr. Bradley

Mr. Bradley's Distance Learning Schedule

7:30-7:45             Mindfulness/Warm-ups/Get ready for the day

7:45-8:30             Related Arts (P.E., Music, Art)

8:30-9:30             RTI

9:30-10:00           ELA (Synchronous)

10:00-10:30         ELA (Work Independently)

10:30-11:30         ELA Small Groups

11:30-12:00         Recess

12:00-12:30         Lunch

12:45-1:15           Math (Synchronous)

1:15-1:45             Math (Work Independently)

1:45-2:15             Science/SS